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Radio, audio & voiceHuman-centered interaction


September 01, 2017 - March 31, 2020

Integrated platform for enhanced interaction between radio makers and listeners.

Partners: IN2, NPO, Pluxbox, Universiteit Hasselt, Universität Wien, Joanneum Research, Faktion,

The MARCONI innovation project aims to bring radio experiences to the next level by enabling fully interactive and personalised radio solutions, integrating broadcast radio with digital and social media. To realize this goal, MARCONI will pursue two concrete objectives. First, consumers will be able to interact with “live” radio through their preferred communication channel in various ways. Second, radio-makers will be given an integrated view on audience interactions and will be supported by interaction automation services. 

MARCONI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme  under grant agreement No 761802.

Project website: https://www.projectmarconi.eu/