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Content, games & experienceData, AI & ML


October 01, 2013 - September 30, 2016

Immersive coverage of spatially outspread live events.

Partners: BBC, Bitmovin, Joanneum Research, Universiteit Hasselt, Technicolor, imec, Tools at Work ,

ICoSOLE aims at developing a platform that enables users to experience live events that are spatially spread out, such as festivals, parades, marathons or bike races, in an immersive way by combining high-quality spatial video and audio, and user generated content. The innovation project developed a platform for a context-adapted hybrid broadcast-internet service, providing efficient tools for capture, production and distribution of audiovisual content captured by a heterogeneous set of devices spread over the event site. 

3 prototypes were developed under the name “Wall of Moments”: a user app (Moments), an editorial app (Trademark) and an app rendering that content (Wall). With Moments, users can share their own content and interact with the editorial team. Trademark is an app for the editorial team, witch which they can give users assignments, create polls and filter incoming content. Finally, the Wall is used to display the uploaded (filtered) content in a moving mosaic.

ICoSOLE has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 610370.