
September 24, 2024

Innovation? Let's go! Discover 3 innovative production techniques

VRT is not only an innovator in how it operates, but also on your TV screen, smartphone, tablet, computer and radio, where you’ll notice many novelties. Take a look in the future with three examples of production innovation.

The Backpack on VRT 1 

In 2025 you’ll be able to watch The Backpack on VRT 1. This brand-new show, made by production company Geronimo, follows an adventurous journey made by eight celebrity Flemish to the top of a mountain. They’re all carrying a backpack which is able to do more than just keep your things together. Three tubes are attached to it. One by one, controlled by remote, these open and reveal an important part of the participant’s life, which ads plenty to the conversation. And there is more: three cameras which are attached to the backpack record everything, audio included. This way, no exceptional moment will be missed. Every emotion is registered, which is more than cameramen can manage. Product innovation strengthens the story. The Backpack is an impressive bit of engineering, which took eight months to make. Furthermore, the show also had an innovative business plan.  

Emanuel Vanderjeugd, CEO Geronimo: “Making programmes is increasingly expensive. Unfortunately, VRT budgets aren’t increasing proportionally. Therefore, we have to look for innovative ways of financing. When VRT and the production house sell a new format abroad, they get a return on part of the investment and can spread the financial pressure. An excellent return on investment. When thinking about and creating The Backpack, we were very conscious about this: how do we make sure a reality concept can also work abroad? This was our starting point, looking for added value for other broadcasters. I think we have succeeded with The Backpack. Geronimo is a totally Flemish production house, independent of major, international players. This is a major advantage. It allows us to freely exploit our creativity, and properly consider the value of what we make. 

Ketnet on Roblox 

Roblox is an online gaming platform for children. The target group is primarily situated between the ages of seven and twelve. What’s interesting is that children can create their own games. In 2023, Ketnet made its first world in Roblox, inspired by The Warmest Week. This happened in cooperation with Video Snackbar, an innovative VRT team which focusses on new production processes and formats. Meanwhile, this world has been rebuilt into a central hub with gateways to different islands. You can already visit the candy forest, Planeet K and wrapper island. During the autumn of 2024 more theme islands by Nachtwacht and STIP IT will be introduced. There are also many more extensions planned for the future. Fun part: in the central hub you can find a nostalgic museum where the Ketnet croquette and old trophies of the Gala van de Gouden K’s are exposed. Even the VRT tower found its own spot in Roblox. Obviously, Ketnet makes sure the gaming environment is safe. Therefore, the chat option has been disabled. Children can’t communicate with others, but can enjoy fun games.  

Els Van de Abeele, editor-in-chief Ketnet: “Roblox is incredibly popular amongst young children. Some of them are not yet familiar with Ketnet. By being present on Roblox, VRT can reach a new audience. We let children find out about the Ketnet universe, the wrappers, and our programmes. This way, we spark their interest for the rest of what we have to offer on our own platforms. Roblox stimulates creativity and offers extra possibilities to reach children. The Ketnet world will certainly grow there.”  

Open Up on VRT MAX 

In 2025, VRT MAX will introduce vertical fiction for the first time. It’s obvious why: the young target group between 18 and 24 is difficult to reach with a conventional offer. That’s why VRT MAX is looking for innovative ways to get them interested. The main tool for young people is their smartphone, which they usually hold in a vertical way. That’s why they prefer consuming their media like this. Open Up, made by production house Percy Percy, is an innovative series which is recorded completely vertically. It’s not a coincidence that it deals with privacy and how it is sometimes up for grabs online. The story’s told through the main character’s smartphone. Every message she writes, every photo or video she records, every app she opens... as a viewer you can see it all. The series will not only be shown on VRT MAX, but also on social media. The episodes will be short and powerful, allowing young people to watch them on a smartphone where and when they want to. 

Rani Liekens, function advisor: “The production process is very different to what we’re used to. A real quest, but very exciting and fascinating. The scenarios are unconventional, and it’s a real challenge to create tension and a story in only six minutes. We also have to look for enough variation: only showing messages would be boring. Fortunately, there’s more to see on a smartphone than you might think. A smart doorbell or a security camera can come up with surprising images.”