September 06, 2024
5 VRT nominations for Prix Europa
The nominations for the prestigious Prix Europa have been announced. Once again, many VRT productions received a nomination. Below you will find a summary.
Chantal - VRT 1
Chantal (Maaike Cafmeyer) doesn’t only conquer the Westhoek, but everybody’s favourite West-Flemish policewoman is also doing well in the rest of Europe!
The second season of the fiction series Chantal, which was shown this spring on VRT 1 and on Streamz, was nominated for the Prix Europa in the ‘Video Fiction’ category. In it, Chantal takes on 23 other contenders, from countries such as Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Finland.
The second season of Chantal features, apart from Maaike Cafmeyer, Mathias Sercu, Dries Heyneman, Steven Mahieu, Yves Degryse, Wim Opbrouck, Zouzou Ben Chikha, Patricia Kargbo, and Kurt Defranq. Chantal was conceived and written by Mathias Sercu and directed by Jeroen Dumoulein and Senne Dehandschutter. Chantal is a television show from the production company Eyeworks Film & TV Drama.
The new Iron Curtain - VRT Canvas
In the documentary series The New Iron Curtain, conflict journalist Rudi Vranckx explores the intriguing border region between Russia and the rest of Europe.
In the course of four episodes, he travels from the High North to the Causasus, along the fault line between two worlds. Along the way, Rudi meets people who are living with Russia as a neighbour in the shadow of a new Iron Curtain today.
The New Iron Curtain was nominated for the Prix Europa in the ‘Video Documentary’ category. Watch The New Iron Curtain here on VRT MAX.
Bad Blood - Pano - VRT 1
In the Pano report Bad Blood, the team investigates sepsis.
Sepsis is serious condition that anyone can get, but it is largely unknown. One usually develops sepsis after an infection. ‘It’s a totally uncontrollable response of our body to a serious infection. Sepsis is a real killer’, says infectiologist Erika Vlieghe from UZ Antwerpen. Pano investigates how sepsis is dealt with on all levels of our healthcare system.
Bad Blood was nominated for the Prix Europa in the ‘Video Research’ category. Watch Bad Blood here on VRT MAX.
After the Funeral Procession - Studio Brussel
After the Funeral Procession everybody goes home. That’s when things really start happening. For Nona Van Braeckel grieving hasn’t stopped either. Together with fellow sufferers, she made After the Funeral Procession, a haunting podcast about grief.
After the Funeral Procession was nominated for the Prix Europa in the ‘Audio Documentary’ category. Listen to After the Funeral Procession here on VRT MAX.
Night Flights (by Minds Meet) - VRT MAX
Night Flights is a VRT MAX fictional podcast that follows the adventures of a young woman who literally has to chase her dreams when one morning her beloved doesn’t wake up anymore. Night after night she’s on a quest in her dreamworld to find him, while also having to fight her own internal battles.
Night Flights is a VRT MAX and Minds Meet coproduction, created by Johanson, and with the support of the Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF) and De Auteurs.
Night Flights was nominated for the Prix Europa in the ‘Audio Fiction’ category. Listen to Night Flights here on VRT MAX.
Prix Europa is the biggest yearly European TriMedia festival. In this yearly competition, an open jury chooses the best television, radio and new media productions.