March 22, A Day Like No Other
A documentary by Rudi Vranckx about the attacks of 22 March in Zaventem and Brussels.
A - sadly - historical event such as the attacks of 22 March 2016, has to be remembered and remembered in context, with eye witness accounts from people who were actually there: the victims and the emergency services. Not to explain, but to tell.
22 March, a dway like no other is an occasionally confronting but ultimately healing account of how the horrendous actions of three individuals brought out the best in thousands of people. Because: yes, we have been hit hard, but we are not defeated.
Journalists, television makers, and everyone who had a smartphone, TV or computer near to hand that day, were swept up in the news stream. That media tsunami swept on for weeks, constantly searching for new perpetrators and instigators to point the finger at. The human aspect was in danger of being washed away.
In this documentary the people who were actually there talk about what happened on March 22nd. 30 of them are featured. What is striking about these survivors is the strength that keeps them going. Solidarity, helpfulness and pure humanity link their stories. Or to put it in the words of a British victim: ‘It brings out the worst in people, but certainly also the best.’
With these witnesses, the makers don’t so much seek explanations as seek a way to help them to tell their own and the bigger story.

Host: Belgian conflict journalist Rudi Vranckx
NPO (The Netherlands)
RTL (Belgium)