The series features twelve independent short stories, directed by top directors and with a strong cast including Matthias Schoenaerts, Peter Van den Begin and Veerle Baetens. Each story takes place in the same setting with two characters, each on one side of the glass in the visiting area of a prison that separates them - but also their world. Each short film is made by a different director and crew and with different actors. This makes Lockdown a surprising mix of different genres such as drama, comedy and thriller. The idea comes from directors Gilles Coulier and Maarten Moerkerke, who both directed an episode.
Robin Pront (The Ardennes, Thieves of the wood)
Gilles Coulier (War of The World, The Day, The Natives)
Kaat Beels (Beau Séjour, Tabula Rasa, Clan, Façades)
Wouter Bouvijn (The Twelve, Red Light)
Michaël Roskam (Bullhead, Le fidèle, The drop)
Dorothée Van Den Berghe (My queen Karo)
Jan Eelen (Callboys, Het eiland, De ronde)
Frederike Migom (Binti), Jonas Govaerts (Welp, Tabula Rasa)
Van Deuren & De Boeck (Bamboe, Provence)
Christina Vandekerckhove (Rabot), Maarten Moerkerke (13 geboden)
Matthias Schoenaerts, Peter Van den Begin, Veerle Baetens,...
Student Jury Prize for best short form series at Canneseries