How Damaging Are Antibiotics?
Ready made
1 episode35 min
How damaging can antibiotics be? Our healthy and fit Pano reporter Peter Brems did the test and took a full course. He was not alone. Belgians lead the pack when it comes to taking powerful medicines. The famous US microbiologist and antibiotics expert Martin Blaser warns: “The long-term impact is becoming clear: asthma, obesity, diabetes and food allergies are on the rise”.
Can the damage to our reporter’s intestines caused by strong antibiotics be repaired? We created a unique, medical experiment.
Original title:Hoe schadelijk zijn antibiotica? (Pano)
Broadcast by:
First broadcast:2016-10-19
Journalist Peter Brems
Licensed by:
PTS (Taiwan)
Prix Europa 2017 - TV Current Affairs (Nominee)