Cops Ghent
Cops is set in the historic city of Ghent, Belgium. A city that combines the spectacular settings of a medieval city with the exiting life of a modern university centre.
Cops Ghent portrays a group of young policemen. How the challenge of their calling, that of “fighting crime” and their work itself, affects their personal lives and relationships. How their devotion to the pursuit of perpetrators is matched only by their heartfelt compassion for the victims. How even these seasoned cops battle with despair or are forced to admit their powerlessness.
But any cop in the world will tell you that for every hazardous or heartbreaking story, there is a hilarious one waiting around the corner. In this respect too, Cops remains a realistic, and therefore often hilarious portrayal of a cop’s life.

Each season contains 13 episodes of 50'

1998 - 2007
Erwin Provoost
Andrea Croonenberghs, Joke Devynck, Cahit Ölmez, Axel Daeseleire, Mark Tijsmans, Ludo Hellinx, Werner De Smedt, Ann Ceurvels, Katelijne Verbeke, Wim Danckaert, Rebecca Huys & Jo De Meyere
NPO (The Netherlands)
Videoland (The Netherlands)
Netflix (Flanders)
VRT, Eyeworks (& NPO season 6 & 7)
In 2007, the Netherlands launched a spin-off titled 'Cops Maastricht' on NPO1, which became a huge success. Filming for its 19th season began in 2024. Following this success, a secon spin-off, 'Cops Rotterdam', premiered in 2016, with its eighth season set to air in 2025.