This was a man’s world… And then came Chantal. Inspector Chantal Vantomme starts a new life in a small, rural town with her daughter Emma. In this Belgian “Far West” where people are used to taking matters into their own hands, the apparent peacefulness should not deceive anyone. Add to that, Chantal has to contend with macho behavior from colleagues and neighbors… Hopefully, this is all temporary: Chantal plans on taking the exam to become Chief Commissioner and move to a bigger town. But as is often the case with pre-set plans, reality turns out differently.

Peter Bouckaert & Wendy Ingelrelst
Jeroen Dumoulein
Mathias Sercu
Maaike Cafmeyer, Dries Heyneman, Steven Mahieu, Yves Degryse, Mathias Sercu, Wim Opbrouck, Bert Huysentruyt, Janne Desmet, Piet Depraitere, Kurt Defranq
Streamz (Flanders)
Season 3: Streamz
Spin off of Homegrown