A nuclear plant in Belgium gets sabotaged during winter, and causes a nation-wide black-out. The Belgian power grid is down and the nation relies on prime minister, Annemie Hillebrand, the first female prime minister, to handle this crisis. What nobody knows, but we do, is that moments before the black-out she received footage of her daughter Elke who appears to be held captive. The video comes with a message: “If the lights turn back on, your daughter dies.” From that moment on, the clock starts ticking and Annemie is trapped between her sense of duty and the love for her daughter.

Helen Perquy & Philippe De Schepper
Joël Vanhoebrouck
Philippe De Schepper, Bas Adriaensen & Geert Verbanck
Sara De Roo & Geert Van Rampelberg
Streamz (Flanders)
Videoland (The Netherlands)
Winner: audience award pitch drama series C21
Nomintation: Seiencamp (Germany)
Screening international panorama: Serial Killer (Czech Republic)