Albatros is a tragicomedy and tells the story of ten fat people who will join a weight-loss camp in the Ardennes. They are faced, not only with the battle against their bodies, but also against their minds, and each other. With a dead mother, a dark secret and lots of unresolved resentment, camp guru Bart has his own demons to fight.

Gilles Coulier, Gilles De Schryver & Wouter Sap
Wannes Destoop
Gilles Coulier, Wannes Destoop, Dominique Van Malder & Tom Dupont
Wim Opbrouck, Benny Claessens, Marjan De Schutter, Isabelle Van Hecke, Dominique Van Malder, Tom Ternest, Marcel Musters, Amara Reta, Ruth Beeckmans, Arthur Dhont, Joris Hessels, Ilse De Koe, Joke Emmers & Stef Lernous
Streamz, Telenet & RTBF (Belgium), Sky (Switzerland), ContentScope (GAS), Czech TV (Czech Republic), PBS (US), Netflix (Belgium & The Netherlands)
Prix Europa in the category ‘TV-fiction’ 2021
Supported by SeriesLab by TorinoFilmLab (2017)