Studio Brussel
Studio Brussel is Flemish public broadcaster VRT’s trendsetting musical radio brand. It is geared towards a broad, young and active group of 'digital first' media users. Studio Brussel encourages its listeners to look at the world in their own, creative way. It meets the needs of its critical and socially aware community through distinctive choices and sharp editorial reflexes. Studio Brussel is a catalyst within the Flemish music sector and serves its purpose as a musical guide, in accordance with the digital needs of its audience.
Studio Brussel is the right VRT-channel for a wide, active group of ‘digital first’-media users, who look at the world with an attitude that is open, adventurous and tolerant.
Every day, Studio Brussel is actively involved in fulfilling its mission: musically guiding its listeners through the huge range on offer and providing them with made-to-measure information and interpretation. Studio Brussel is and will be both locally and internationally oriented and engages in an open, diverse society where there is space for a positive, relativizing tone of voice and humour. The brand attaches great importance to originality, and within VRT, it is considered a digital trendsetter.
Studio Brussel is a fully-fledged 360°-media brand that has been committed to a strong digital presence for a long time. In the 90s, the brand was the first media brand that had a website, was involved in early experiments with social media and still enjoys a strong and successful presence. Over 145,000 people follow StuBru’s TikTok-account; the YouTube-channel has more than 220,000 subscribers; over 230,000 people follow the Instagram account; the Facebook page has about 500,000 followers and there are more than 30,000 daily hits on the Stubru.be website.
Studio Brussel distinguishes itself by continuous innovation and providing original online content. The brand has a particularly strong connection with its target group of 18 to 44-year-olds. For them, the smartphone is the media-device par excellence. Studio Brussel is very aware of this and skilfully uses it: the StuBru-app is the central hub for distributing the audio- and video programmes. Via the app, personal interaction, engagement, and the co-creation with the audience is stimulated.
Studio Brussel thinks along with its audience and puts the world of its media users at the core when creating content via a media mix over various platforms. With an online series such as Labels, in cooperation with VRT NWS, Studio Brussel gives a voice to young people who are hard to reach.
Strong Community
Studio Brussel involves its audience in what the brand does as much as possible. The brand’s social involvement is prevalent in various domains (culture, sport,...) allowing brand-building collaborations and associated live broadcasts and events.
Studio Brussel puts relevant and inspiring themes on its agenda via radio, but also through videos.The brand is also one of the driving forces behind De Warmste Week (The Warmest Week), the largest solidarity movement in Flanders.
Via its own events, Studio Brussel feels the life pulse of its audience and all the diverse society, for instance by organising the hip-hop event Hooray and StuBru At Work, which provides live broadcasts from a company. Music is always the binding factor par excellence.
Life is Music
Adventurous music is the basis of Studio Brussel. The programming is remarkably varied, rich in genres like rock, dance, hip-hop and alternative pop. This makes the brand a musical guide via all its channels. Every day there is for instance a Catch of the day, a brand-new piece of music that you can discover on all Stubru-platforms as a first. Within the broadcasting schedule, the brand also provides a stage for both up-and-coming and experienced DJs.
Studio Brussel is a crucial catalyst for the Flemish music sector. The brand actively scouts for young, musical talent. Up-and-coming artists and bands often get their first airplay on the station.
Via the leading musical competition De Nieuwe Lichting (The New Recruits), Studio Brussel attracts many promising national artists. The competition has an impact as a launching platform: thanks to De Nieuwe Lichting, a broad audience is introduced to the music of young artists. Within the music industry, a spot in the finals is considered a quality label. Ex-winner Tamino has won a MIA, Sons and Equal Idiots made a furore at Rock Werchter and finalists like Brihang or Faces on TV made wonderful progress thanks to their participation.
Studio Brussel is the festival station per excellence. The brand involves its audiences in the pleasures of the best concerts through live broadcasts including reports and interviews on radio and television and via the app. The station is a welcome guest at large and small festivals throughout Flanders, but also at music clubs and other organisations.
During its own StuBru Live Live, Belgian and internationally famous artists and musical groups play at special locations. Additionally, the station makes its own musical documentaries such as Studio Ibiza: het oude testament of Rock ’n roll high school (Studio Ibiza: the Old Testament of Rock ‘n Roll High School) or Vijftig tinten gras (Fifty Shades of Grass): series providing a relaxing and educating look at music- and festival history. Recently, StuBru is also actively focusing on podcasting, with podcasts such as Hey Paul or Thank you, boomer.
Breeding ground for talent
Studio Brussel is a breeding ground for young radio talent too. Many successful radio makers such as Siska Schoeters, Peter Van de Veire, Sam De Bruyn and Eva De Roo started their careers here. Initiatives such as Festival Force, where young digital talent creates content at the summer festivals, give young creative minds the opportunity to take their first steps in the radio business.